Preparing healthy meals for your school aged kids.
Another disease to worry about – Alpha Gal Syndrome,
The dos and don’ts about exercising in extreme heat.
How to prepare yourself to travel?
What exactly is the Girl Dinner Fad. Is it new or is it old? And why has it attracted over…
Everything you ever wanted to know (and more) about the acai berry!
What is gluten intolerance? How to treat it?
What is diabetes? What are the symptoms? How do you treat it? All answered by Courtney on this show. Don.t…
Kidney Stones-what are they? How can they be treated? How can they be prevented?
What are the benefits of frozen fruits and vegetables?
Summer is here and it’s time to take out the barbecue. But is grilled food healthy or not? Find out…
UTI or urinary tract infection What is it and how to prevent it?
What is ARFID or Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder?
What exactly is fatty liver disease and how to prevent it?
When is food still safe to eat and when should you toss it.
Coffee, tea, dark chocolates and other sources of caffeine are discussed and analyzed by Courtney.
How to get your kids, elementary thru high school, to eat a balanced diet.
What are the best breakfast cereals for you and the do’s and don’ts of a healthy breakfast.
Courtney rates the various yogurts!
Heart disease is a growing problem with both men and women. Signs to look for and things to prevent heart…
The magical health benefits of mushrooms!
Back pain, how to avoid it and how to treat it once it surfaces. v
Courtney explains the benefits of NEAT or Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis.
Sugar in the morning. Sugar in the evening. Sugar at supper time. How sugar is too much?
Let’s go NUTS for the new year!
The holidays are over. Now is the time to get back to a healthier routine!
What are the trending foods for 2023?
Winter gear for exercising in cold weather!
Spice up your holidays by cooking with a variety of herbs and spices.
How young is too young to start strength training for your child?
Tips on preparing a Thanksgiving Day fiesta!
The do’s and don’ts for you to insure a happy holiday season.
Tip on things to do to build up our immune system. v
Preparing for a happy and safe Halloween!
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Our special guest is Marianne Santee a breast cancer survivor who tells her story…
Type 2 diabetes is between 90 t0 95% of diabetes detected. What are the symptoms and what are the causes?…
Plants that grow at night. Tomatoes, chili peppers, potatoes and many others. Are they good for you or not?
What does eating in moderation really mean?
The colder weather is upon us and Courtney tells us about the various delicious foods of Fall.
Courtney discusses the various varieties of grains. Farro, bulgur, brown rice, white rice, freekeh, jasmine etc.
Keeping your workout routine up in colder weather. Tips on exercising outdoors.
Five basic factors of mindless eating and how to overcome them.
The benefits of probiotics and what are they exactly?
Watermelon is not only delicious but it’s very nutritional also.
The facts about detoxing? Is it good or bad for you?
The art or turning cucumbers into pickles
Wine, beer or booze? Is one healthier than the other?
The dangers of the summer sun and how to stay healthy through foods and exercise.
Courtney talks about various exercises and diets to help delay dementia and Alzheimer.
Tips on eating healthy and exercising during the hot days of summer.
Food allergies? What causes them and how to treat them?
What is a registered dietitian and how to become one?
Tips on exercise and eating on a summers day.
How to pack food for traveling both economically land nutritionally
The truth about potatoes and their nutritional value
Is it heartburn or a heart attack? Warning signs that can save your life!
what are fibers? Are they good for you? What is too much or too little?
Fasting! Is a fasting diet in your future?
How to avoid wasting food!
Simple exercise for the upper body.
All about fish.
Do you know what your eating? Even after you read the label.
What exactly are we eating in packaged foods?
Food banks, food pantries and soup kitchens.
The FODMAP Diet or the poop on POOP!
Eat your way to a better mood.
Eating is an art incorporating all our senses. Slow down and enjoy!
Celebrating Valentine’s Day by taking care of your heart.
Courtney explains how to maintain proper posture both in the office and at play.
Courtney discusses the various types of milk and their benefits. and faults.
The facts and misinformation about plant based foods
The proper storing of food and the glorious tastes of food. And of course smart buying to save money.
Courtney tells us the difference between ultra-processed. processed and unprocessed foods.
Simple exercises to start the new year.
And welcoming 2022
Tips on preparing a stres free Christmas party.
Tips to save time and money in the kitchen.
Actually any food that makes you feel good is comfort food.
The truth about inflammations The good, the bad and the ugly.
Edible Bugs
The facts about salt.
Cooking with healthy Fats.
The dos and don’t’s for a safe Halloween!
Fats! Are they good for you or bad for you? Courtney tells all.
Courtney demonstrates the 7 Minute Workout
It’s fall and tis the season for pumpkins as well as a slew of delicious fruits and vegetables.
Courtney introduces us to Dr. Nicole Solomos, a Board Certified Health and Fitness coach as well as a Lifestyle Coach…
What best to feed your young athlete for performance and health.
It’s football season! And that can mean only one thing-TAILGATE PARTIES!
School is back. Every morning its time to dress the kids, serve breakfast, prepare lunch, check homework and get the…
School is back.. What to pack for your children’s lunch?
Foods to satisfy your appetite
Join Courtney and family at the beach. Share with her the delicious as well as nutritious foods she prepares for…
Palrsley, sage, rosemary and tyme as well as other members of the herb family.
What is DBS or dead butt syndrome and how to treat it.
Analyzing the myths about many foods.
Foods for summer.
Everything you want to know about yoga but were afraid to ask.
Sleep easier said than done,
What is the BLUE ZONE?
As we age, our nutritional needs change.
Learn all about the CSA movement of small farms.
Are you prepared for feeling totally out of control.
Food glorious food!
Tips on breast feeding
All about skin
Simple exercises to increase your upper body strength.
Organic or non organic that is the question.
Everything you ever wanted to know about organic foods.
How to store and when to toss.
The health benefits of coffee and tea,
What foods are natural aphrodisiacs?
How to be a wise shopper.
Good Snacks. Bad snacks, What’s good for you and the family!
Diets, diets, diets.
Everything you wanted to know about health but were afraid to ask.
Simple exercises to strengthen your core at home
Simple exercises to strengthen your core at home.
Foods to reduce stress and strain.
Healthy foods for the new year.
Health resolutions for the New Year
Courtney give us some fun, festive, and healthy food / drinks to make this Holiday season.
Tips on the correct position to sit at your desk to prevent back problems.
A Healthy Body and a Healthy Mind