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Deborah Manning: a former Los Angeles news reporter and producer, having won numerous awards for investigative and political journalism. Her credentials include the West Coast News Director for National Public Radio as well as an anchor for Public Broadcasting Service in San Diego. She is presently a business consultant and speaker, having relocated from Santa Barbara, California to Greenville, South Carolina.
Courtney on Health 9/5/22 Falling into Fall
Keeping your exercise routine up during Fall. Tips on outdoor exercising.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 7/8/22 MISINFORMATION
With so much misinformation floating around-how does one know what to believe.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 7/1/22
Whose life is it anyway? Should the State be able to dictate whether a woman should or should not have…
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 6/24/22 Federal or State Jurisdiction
Abortion and gun rights-are they Federal or State issues?
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 6/17/22
Deborah and I, as usual, agree to disagree about the Senate January 6 Committee.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 6/10/22
A discussion about everything (inflation, the Senate January 6 Committee, unions etc.) but agreeing on nothing.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 6/3/22
Getting older and the ravages of age. WEATHER ALERT! WEATHER ALERT!
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 5/27/22
Just unbelievable? How can we send our children to school just to be killed? What happened to our government? PASS…
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 5/20/22
So what else is new? Or quote Lily Tomlin “If its not one thing its another”
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 5/13/22 Farewell Dear Brother
The stock market, Twitter and DEATH
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 5/6/22
Does the federal government or the state government have the right to dictate what a woman should do with their…
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 4/29/22
Update on the stock market and a few words about the medical profession.
Conversations with Deborah/ABi-Coastal Dialogue 4/22/22
From the stock market to inflation to the war in Ukraine-all covered and discussed.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 4/15/22
Easter, Passover and Ramadan but still no peace in sight.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 4/8/22
Weather, sex and the cost of living all covered in 1/2 an hour.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 4/1/22 Globalizations
Is globalization good or bad for the USA. Is it the wave of the future?
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 3/25/22
Reviewing the news of the week from different viewpoints.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 3/18/22
Thunder and lightning, tornados, flash floods and Putin.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 3/11/22
War crimes and what to do about it?
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 3/4/22
From the war in Ukraine to inflation to South Carolina to Biden
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 2/25/22
Just plain talk about the news of the day and modern life.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bicoastal Dialogue 2/18/22
Would you rather play the stock market or play the horses. This and other questions discussed today on MALCOLMPRESENTS
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 2/11/22
Deborah blames the Biden Administration for most of our international conflicts. Do you agree with her.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 2/4/22
Facebook, covid, climate change, and all nations destroying our planet.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 1/28/22
Jumping from the stock market to horse racing to the supply chain to life.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 1/21/22 Baby It’s Cold Outside
Deborah and I agree on the goals but not on the methods of attaining them
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 1/14/22
Living in South Carolina
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 1/7/22
The frustrations of modern day life.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 12/31/21 A Farewell to 2021
Out with the old and in with the new.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 12/24/21 Christmas Past and Present
Sharing stories of Christmas past and plans for this Christmas
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 12/17/21
Just two good friends exchanging ideas and talking about life.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 12/10/21 A Slice of Life
What are we responsible for and to whom?
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 12/3/21
The beat goes on. Deborah and I agree to disagree.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 11/26/21 Black Friday
A post Thanksgiving view of the weeks ahead.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 11/19/21
We discuss the American judicial system, CRT and pay tribute to the late Phil Margo
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 11/12/21
Two different roads to the same destination.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 11/5/21 Cats
The mystic of cats or cats I’ve known and loved.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 10/29/21 BUILD BACK BETTER
Specifics of BUILD BACK BETTER from the LA Times Views of the stock market
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 10/22/21 Catching Up
Catching up on the news after a brief hiatus.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 9/24/21
It’s truly amazing how two people can see the same thing and totally disagree on the facts.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 9/17/21
And the beat goes on. Vaccinate or not, Mask or not. Should the individual decide for themselves or should it…
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 9/10/21
To vaccinate or not to vaccine that is the question.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 9/3/21
Is Democracy working in its present form. Or is it time to tweak and update it to fit the world…
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 8/27/21
And the beat goes on. Afghanistan, economics, the stock market and life in general. All’s on the table.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 8/20/21 The Biden Blunder
Deborah and I agree that Biden made a mistake in the way we left Afghanistan. But we disagree on how…
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 8/13/21
Deborah talks about the needs of America and I talk about the needs of the world. As i see it,…
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 7/30/21
Sorry folks but we lost the first half of this show. Where it went we do not know. But your…
Conversation with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 7/23/21
Humanity is heading to a self inflicted annihilation. And it’s soon than you think.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 7/16/21
We may have our differences but we have the same goals. To help people and help save the planet.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 7/9/21
Deborah, Deborah, Deborah. What more need I say?
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 7/2/21
My conversation with Deborah about my decision to move to another planet.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Debate 6/25/21
Deborah and I have a passionate debate on almost everything.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 6/11/21
Trump is out but our differences remain
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 6/4/21
Deborah and I discuss life.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 5/28/21
Though we both agree on the goals, we’re miles apart on how to achieve them.
C0nversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 5/21/21
Deborah and I continue to agree to disagree. Somehow the news I hear is different from the news she…
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 5/7/21 Wasn’t it just yesterday…
…when we were young?
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi/Coastal Dialogue 4/30/21 The Debate Continues
Deborah, Deborah, Deborah what more can I say.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal dialogue 4/23/21
Deborah and I discuss commonalities instead of differences.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 4/16/21
Believe or not Deborah and I are agreeing on many issues.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 4/9/21 Covid 19
Civid 19- What is the truth?
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 4/2/21
Would you believe it’s April?
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 3/26/21
A post tornado wrap up and a review of Bidens first press conference.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 3/19/21
Which would you prefer, an earthquake or a tornado?
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi Coastal Dialogue 3/12/21
Where does discussion end and anarchy begin?
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 3/5/21
After pleasantries, the same differences arise.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 2/26/21
Just an old fashion chit chat with a special guest appearance with Gracie the Cat.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 2/19/21
Just plain talk about nothing in particular.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 2/15/21
A post impeachment discussion.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 2/5/21
The virtues of Greenville, South Carolina
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 1/29/21
No politics. Just a conversation on life happenings..
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 1/26/21
An honest exchange of ideas.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 1/12/21
Remove Trump from the dialogue and Deborah and I agree on many issues.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 1/7/21
It is amazing-2 people-same facts-2 different conclusions
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 12/29/20
Deborah still feels the election was rigged. I just can’t understand her reasoning
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 12/23/20
Tales of Christmas past.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 12/4/20
Why haven’t the courts and the Republican legislatures agreed with Trump that the election a was a great fraud. …
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 12/1/20
Winter is coming!
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 11/24/20
Happy Thanksgiving!
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 11/17/20
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 11/13/20
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 11/7/20 Goodby Trump-Hello Biden. Let’s hope.
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 11/2/20
Conversations with Deborah/A Bi-Coastal Dialogue 10/30/20