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Pat Alesia, Brigadier General ret. serves as the Commander of the Nassau Counties American Legion and hosts this show. The American Legion was chartered in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization focusing on services to veterans, service members and the community. Its goal is to promote peace, goodwill, and to safeguard & transmit prosperity to the principles of justice, freedom, and democracy.
Commander Pat Alesia 2/25/22 with special guest John Baptisto Fiore
The reception Vietnam veterans received upon returning home.
Commander Pat Alesia 1/28/22 with special guest Paul Schottenhamel
Meet Paul Schottenhamel. From CCNY to Vietnam to National Guard to the telephone company to the American Legion.
Commander Pat Alesia 1/14/22 with special guest Roby Johnson
Roby talks about his combat experience in Vietnam and his reception coming home
Commander Pat Alesia 1/7/22 Commander Nassau County American Legion
Pat tells us all about the 42nd Infantry Division Rainbow Association.
Commander Pat Alesia 12/17/21
More administrative plans for the Nassau County American Legion in 2022
Commander Pat Alesia 12/3/21 American Legion Events 2022
Commander Pat outlines some American Legion events in 2021
Commander Pat Alesia 11/12/21 with special guest Frank Sasiadec
Franks tells us about the UNIFIED VETERAN SERVICE FOUNDATION a guide to help vets through the red tape of the Read more
Commander Pat Alesia 11/5/21 with guests Dominic Crici and Syd Mandelbaum
Korean War, Veterans Food Mart, Veteran Day and much more.
Commander Pat Alesia 10/29/21 with special guest Ralph Esposito
Ralph stands only 5foot 2 but that’s all packed with energy
Commander Pat Alesia 10/15/21 with special guest Al Picalora
Al tells of his military experience as a MP and his years in the American Legion.
Commander Pat Alesia 10/8/21 with special guest Bill Marinaccio
Speak softly but carry a big MORTAR. Bill’s stories of army life in the early sixties just prior to Nam. Read more
Commander Pat Alesia 10/1/21 with special guest Joseph Scharola
Find out the advantages and benefits of being a member of the American Legion.
Commander Pat Alesia 9/24/21
Commander Pat Alesia – Commander of Nassau County American Legion lists the various events the Legion is involved in.
Commander Pat Alesia 9/19/21 with guests Gerald Haber and Sean Hood
Pat, Gerald and Sean discuss the various charities their posts participate in.
Commander Pat Aleshia 8/26/21 with special guest Dawn Samuels
Dawn is an Air Force veteran. A member of the American Legion and a member of the Legion Riders riding Read more
Commander Pat Alesia 8/20/21 The American Legion on Motorcycles.
The American Legion cycle for charity.
Commander Pat Alesia 8/13/21 with special guest Col. John J Hassett
Commander Pat and Col. Hassett discuss the organization of the American Legion and how it benefits both its members and Read more
Commander Pat Alesia 8/6/21 with guest Dr. Carol Hassette
Learn all about the community activities of one American Legion Post.
Commander Pat Alesia 7/26/21 Commander Nassau County American Legion
The American Legion- what it is and what it does.
Commander Pat 7/16/21
The life and times of Commander Pat Alesia of the Nassau County American Legion.